Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Our Hotel in the Polish Countryside

I always wanted to stay in a castle. This is Zamek Kliczkow in Southwestern Poland - a 1585-era castle that has been converted into a hotel. Attended to by a staff of attractive but surly young women. There were only a few guests in the entire hotel, and eating alone in the cavernous gothic diningroom was a bit spooky. Walking the empty halls had a bit of "The Shining" quality to it. All for less than the price of a Courtside Inn in Vacaville.

Bratislava – Room with a View!

Staying at a rather nice hotel right on the main square in the Slovenian capital of Bratislava. Great views from the 7th floor room - of the town, the hilltop castle, and the festivities. No one at the hotel or the surrounding restaurants seems to know what the event was - turned out the prince was transporting the crown jewels in a ceremonial procession.